
Thank you for visiting our website – we are so glad you are here! We are a family that has truly been transformed by the incredible love and grace of God. We currently serve as missionaries for Cru City in the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. It is our desire that all people would know Jesus and make Him known. We long to glorify God, make disciples and be on mission for the gospel. We hope that this website will both encourage you and inform you of who we are, what we do and how you can partner with us!



Our Story

We invite you to read the stories of redemption that God has so graciously written for our lives. He has worked radical transformation in both of us and we are living testimonies of his incredible love, grace and mercy to the least deserving.



Hear about how we are living out God’s call on our lives to see others come to know Jesus and to make Him known! We invite you to celebrate with us the work that God is doing in us and through us in North Carolina’s capital city of Raleigh.



Learn more about partnering with us to transform lives, build relationships with local churches and serve the city. We are excited to build a ministry team and hope that you will consider joining us. We deeply value personal relationships with our partners.