Our Story


Eric and Jessica met in September 2011 at a rooftop restaurant in New York City. Upon meeting, they chatted for hours about their passion for Jesus and how God was writing a new story in their lives. A week later, they went on their first date and the rest is pretty much history. Eric and Jessica married in 2013 and continue to be fiercely committed to each other and to seeking Christ first in their marriage. They desire to point people to Jesus through their family and ministry.



Eric grew up in a small country town located in upstate New York.  He remembers attending church with his family sporadically, but it was more about going through the religious motions than truly living out of a genuine faith. Intellectually, Eric believed in Jesus but the gospel did not have an impact on his life. Instead Eric pursued identity, purpose and fulfillment in other ways. That mostly happened through performance and achievement in both athletics and academics. In high school and college, Eric lived to be the be the best at whatever he set his mind to, and the desire to succeed was the driving force of his life.  

When Eric graduated college, he moved to New York City and started working as a sports marketing agent. His life mantra during that time was to work hard and play hard. He intensely pursued everything the city had to offer and this led him down some dark paths. He lived fully and totally for himself, constantly striving for bigger and better in all that he did.

At age 27, Eric was offered an incredible opportunity to work as a high-profile marketing executive in Singapore. He knew it would allow him to become even more successful, make more money, and to capitalize on what he thought would result in true fulfillment.  With a big salary and the ability to travel all over the world, Eric was living the good life. But at his core, Eric felt alone and unfulfilled. He just couldn’t understand why he felt so empty despite all his success.

This launched Eric into a journey where he began asking questions about life and truth. What is the purpose of life? Who is God? What about other religions of the world and their teaching? Eric went on an intense quest to find God. He studied Christianity, the Bible, world religion and philosophy for months. During this time, he had some very real and personal encounters with the God of the Christian Bible. He felt that Jesus was real in a way that he had never anticipated or experienced before.

At the end of this journey, Eric came to the strong conclusion that the gospel was not only good news, but it was true. Eric saw the depths of his brokenness and at the same time Christ’s deep love, patience and compassion for a sinful man. Eric saw that real joy would only be found in surrendering his life to Jesus. He realized that Jesus was both intellectually credible and existentially satisfying. Eric had plans for his life, but God had other plans. His life was radically transformed. Eric had been given a new purpose to love God, become more like Jesus and invite others to do the same!



If you had told Jessica that she would grow up and become a missionary, she would have thought you were totally insane. It’s not that Christianity was completely foreign to her, but it was more of a “to-do list”, than an actual way of life. Instead, her life focused on external things like maintaining a certain physical appearance, seeking affirmation from others and constantly making sure that everyone around her was pleased with her. This was how she felt safe and loved, and for the longest time it worked for her. She was successful in school and relationships, and dreamed of someday becoming a powerful CEO. But little did she know that God had a much better way of life (a new life!) waiting for her, one that included a real relationship with Himself. And part of His grand plan was that she would move all the way to New York City to find it....

In 2004, after graduating from NC State University, she landed in New York City with big dream of success, wealth and glamour. And much to her delight, her dreams started coming true. She immersed herself in everything that the city had to offer and began quickly climbing the corporate ladder. She eventually landed her dream job at a large entertainment company where she interacted with celebrities and people of power on a daily basis. She partied at the hottest nightclubs and dined at the finest restaurants, but it was never enough. She was always searching for the next best thing. On the outside, it seemed she had it all but on the inside there was a nagging loneliness and emptiness. Something deeper that just couldn’t be filled by another expensive handbag or more alcohol. This lifestyle went on for several years until the emptiness became unbearable and in desperation, she walked into the doors of a church in downtown Manhattan. It was there that she heard the best news in the world. The news that Jesus Christ loves her (like really really loves her) and that he wants to give her a new life of freedom and joy. The news that Jesus offers her forgiveness from her most shameful mistakes and that he offers a real relationship with himself that would forever change the trajectory and focus of her life. Within a few months, Jessica surrendered her life to Jesus and she was never the same. Jesus became her greatest treasure and she saw that the abundant life that Jesus promises is an actual reality. Jessica deeply desires to share the love of Christ with others. The love that absolutely changed her life. The love that literally rescued her from darkness and ushered her into the Kingdom of Light. And the love that is continually changing, renewing and restoring her until she sees her King face to face.